
Stabilizing the Object Capability System

2023-06-09 by Pere Lev

The previous blog post discussed the actor system refactoring work. I've built into Vervis the foundations for actor programming, and started porting Activity handlers to this new system.

Then, I moved on to my next task, which is about stabilizing ForgeFed's Object Capability system.

ForgeFed Stability

The ForgeFed specification has been evolving for a few years now. Much less implementation work happened, than I hoped, but the spec still made progress, and so did the 2 primary implementations: Forgejo and Vervis.

During my work implementing the spec in Vervis, I've more and more noticed the limitations of ActivityPub (on which ForgeFed in based), and I also had long periods of time in which I took a pause from development work, due to feeling the impact of the many-hours-at-the-screen and wanting a more people-focused and less computer-focused life. These things raised a big question for me: What's my place in the future of ForgeFed?

Despite the challenges, I still felt (and still feel) that passion in me, to build the foundations for humanity to develop software in an environment that's about using and developing technology in ways aimed at serving human needs and holding the whole. Being in the Free Software Community for such a long time, and seeing the tragic situation with github centralization and people's need for a new solution, have given me energy to continue this important work.

A big part of the current work plan is also related to funding: I have funding from NLNet for a year (which started in March), and the work plan is a combination of my initial draft and the requests and advice of NLNet.

My goals for the funded work are:

  1. Create an initial proof-of-concept that implementes a federated application based on actor programming rather than ActivityPub
  2. Stabilize the core of the ForgeFed specification, without adding whole new features, make the big decisions that haven't been made
  3. Finish implementing that core in Vervis and turning it into a tool for testing other implementations

As the overall direction, I'll be shifting my focus from ActivityPub to actor-programming, which I believe is a much better foundation for federated forges, and for federated applications in general. However, in 2023 I'll still be putting most of my energy into the ActivityPub-based work, bringing the big open loops to conclusion.

One of these big open loops is the Object Capability system.

Why Object Capabilities

ActivityPub doesn't have object capabilities built-in. And it's not obvious whether and how to add them, in a way that's aligned with ActivityPub's design. Could we, for simplicity, do without them, and use plain old ACLs and RBAC instead?

For directly issued access, we sort of could. I'm saying sort of, because it would cause the problem of "ambient authority" - merely being on an ACL is enough to do some access to protected resources, without having to explicitly own and provide any authorization token for the specific operation. However, if we let go of solving that problem in ForgeFed (it's not like the whole web is based on capabilities anyway), accessing a resource that directly granted you access to it would be fairly easy.

The challenge comes when dealing not with a single resource, but with a federated network of related resources that can contain and be contained in other, possible remote resources. For example:

If I contact MyPRs, asking to merge PR #123, how does MyPRs know that I'm authorized? It needs to detect that:

  1. MyPRs is contained in MySubProject, so anyone with access to MySubProject can also access MyPRs
  2. MySubProject is in turn contained in MyProject, so if I had access to MyProject, I'd be able to access MyPRs
  3. CoolTeam is managing MyProject, so if I were either in CoolTeam itself or in any of its subteams, I could access MyPRs

And indeed I'm a member of CoolTeam, so I expect MyPRs to approve my request to merge PR #123. But how does MyPRs detect that chain of related resources that links between MyPRs and me, given that all of these resources may live on different servers?

That's where Object Capabilities shine: They a flexible tool that easily supports distributed authorization:

Now, when I want to merge PR #123, I pass my token to MyPRs. And MyPRs can verify the chain of tokens and be sure my access to MyPRs is approved at all the links in the chain.

Representing Object Capabilities

ActivityPub doesn't have any standard support for object capabilities. Actually, it doesn't even distinguish between commands and events, and uses descriptions of events to issue commands, rather than referring to explicitly-declared methods of actors. I'm guessing ActivityPub is primarily made for publishing personal objects (notes, images, videos, etc.) and personal events (read, like, eat, etc.), and not for general complex interaction logc between remote objects. ForgeFed doesn't fit the personal-publishing picture, since it's about collaborative resources such as issues, PRs, repos and teams. But given the current situation where ForgeFed is based on ActivityPub, how do we represent Object Capabilities?

When I first asked myself this question, and read the available material and ideas about adding OCAPs to the Fediverse, I realized most of it was about C2S and not S2S, and that mostly just visionary ideas and rough experiments were available. Anything beyond that was lying in the realm of actor-programming, a whole new dream for distributed application architecture and development.

So I went for a custom design for OCAPs, using a combination of ActivityPub activities and new ForgeFed activities:

This is a design of a kind I called representational in the previous blog post. So it's not ideal. But given the design of ActivityPub and wanting to design something that doesn't diverge from it, I decided it's reasonable.

Since then, I really hoped someone else, some other projects, would want or need OCAPs, and a standard OCAP system for the Fediverse would emerge. I also looked into other Fediverse projects, to see if anyone needed OCAPs. But I couldn't find anything. It seemed that Fediverse apps are mostly in the field of personal content publishing and sharing, and ForgeFed is almost alone trying to use ActivityPub for collaborative resource access and complex distributed authorization.

But still, in my funded work plan, I put a task: Check out existing OCAP systems, and see if I can adapt ForgeFed's system to be compatible with them. It could potentially save a lot of work for implementors, being able to use a ready OCAP implementation instead of implementing a custom one from scratch.

Existing Object Capability Systems

I found 2 systems that seem relevant:

Benefits over the custom system:

That made UCANs quite appealing! But when I looked deeper, I also felt that the following factors have an impact.

For ZCAPs:

And for UCANs:

My primary concern is that switching to UCANs, but still needing to add extras and adaptations, and a whole new JWT-based representation, would significantly increase the ForgeFed specification's complexity. The custom system, while being custom, seems simpler to me, and based purely on Activities, which is very much in line with being an ActivityPub-based protocol.

What now?

Adapting the Custom System

I decided that instead of using ZCAPs or UCANs, I'll try to tweak the custom system to include the features and benefits that other systems have, and settle on a stable complete definition that ForgeFed and its implementation can safely depend on.

Here are some powers and benefits of OCAP systems out there (not just ZCAP/UCAN):

For the first 4 items, I've proposed updates to the ForgeFed specification:

  1. Allow Grants to specify a startTime and endTime
  2. Use JSON-based object signatures to allow signing activities without relying on JSON-LD (thanks to silverpill defining a FEP for that)
  3. Revocation messages may be a necessity in a fully p2p system, but a big complication for systems like the Fediverse which do have live URIs, so I've proposed to keep using live URIs for revocation but allow a time buffer to prevent these URIs from being checked unnecessarily often (e.g. I don't think more than once-a-second would be needed in most cases, maybe even once-a-minute)

At the time of writing, the PRs are still in review: #197 #198, #199.

In the meantime, I've implemented these changes in Vervis, including progress porting the OCAP activity handlers to the new actor system:

Beyond ActivityPub

So, 4 items from the OCAP-features list are taken care of. What remains is:

It's technically possible to extend ActivityPub to support these things, but they also represent a significant shift from the (perhaps too) simple activity model that standard ActivityPub has. And they involve some non-trivial implementation work, especially promise pipelining. The approach I'm taking is to implement the ActivityPub-based ForgeFed without those tools, and leaving them for the more thorough actor-programming systems (such as Spritely and Cap'n Proto) where such tools are available.

In parallel to the ActivityPub-based work, I'm already evolving an actor programming system, step by step, and intending to use it for the "Capybara experiment" AKA actor-system based Fediverse proof-of-concept.

Considering that Spritely is already working on the same thing, and that Cap'n Proto has a Haskell implementation - am I wasting my time here? Hard (for me) to say. I just know I'm very excited about actor programming, and that it's still an evolving technology, and Spritely is only in Scheme right now, so a Haskell library for actor programming is a valuable addition to the picture. Cap'n Proto is a lower-level tool, but perhaps my system can wrap Cap'n Proto or serve as inspiration for a higher-level API to use with Cap'n Proto.

And perhaps I can get a grant to fund my work on actor programming? And perhaps more people will want to contribute? And perhaps a plugin system can allow writing actors in different languages into the same application? We'll see :)

Landing back to the current focus: Stabilizing the core of the ActivityPub-based ForgeFed.


We have an account for ForgeFed on the Fediverse:

Right after publishing this post, I'll make a toot there to announce the post, and you can comment there :)