
Vervis Actor Refactoring

2023-05-25 by Pere Lev

For the last 2 months, I've been working on a major refactoring of the Vervis codebase. I'm switching the architecture and code structure from a traditional RESTful web API model into a networked actor model. I'm very excited about it, because it's about much much more than just refactoring code: It's about creating a new kind of application. And it's about the creating the tools and foundations that enable federated actor-based applications.


Vervis is my implementation of a federated forge server. It started in 2016, before the ActivityPub era, when the social Fediverse was based on OStatus. When ActivityPub gained momentum with Mastodon's adoption of it, and ForgeFed formed, I implemented ActivityPub-based federation in Vervis, and kept implementing and experimenting with features, in parallel to developing them in the ForgeFed specification.

Vervis is a reference implementation of ForgeFed, and is meant to be used for testing other ForgeFed implementations (such as Forgejo).

While Vervis is on the proof-of-concept level, and not a "production-quality" forge like Gitea, Forgejo, GitLab, etc., I do intend to bring it to that level eventually. At least to the level that it can serve as the basis for a network of federated forges where people can get a taste of what it looks and feels like, to develop software collaborative on a decentralized by-the-people network.

Right now we have the federated forge network project moving in two parallel paths:

  1. The ForgeFed implementation in Forgejo, along with UI changes to support display of federated objects and actors. Once the implementation reaches a certain level of readiness, Codeberg will probably deploy it
  2. The Vervis path I'll describe below

While Forgejo is a stable widely deployed forge, and Vervis an experimental buggy PoC-level piece of software, Vervis also enjoys being federated at the core.

The Vervis path involves:

The old architecture

Until the refactoring, Vervis was written like a traditional web app server, with its API being split into a server-to-server federation API (S2S), and a command API for clients (C2S). All data (except Git and Darcs repos) lived in a single big PostgreSQL database, including all the data of all the actors: People, repositories, issue trackers, etc.

This architecture may work for centralized apps and services, but for Vervis, I was gradually feeling more and more the impact of this structure. The primary challenges were:

  1. Activity handler logic was duplicated: Response to activities of local actors was happening in the C2S API handlers, while response to activities of remote actors was happening in the S2S API handlers.
  2. Since actors are just rows in the DB, an actor that receives an activity needs to take care to initiate the whole chain of events needed in response to the activity, often involving cooperation between multiple actors, making sure to insert activities into inboxes and deliver and forward activities to remote actors and collections. This resulted in activity handlers being complicated, fragile and bug-prone.

During my work in 2022 it became clear that I need a new architecture: A system of actors that send and receive messages, and where message handler code is high-level can implement the logic in one place, without separate paths for local and remote actors.

It also became clear to me, that ActivityPub actually isn't really suited for such actor-model based programming. It's a vocabulary for social actors and notifications, not a full actor-model programming system. Being frustrated with the complexity of writing Vervis actors, I started looking for alternatives. The next stage of the Fediverse, perhaps. I found 2 primary tools that seemed relevant:

Spritely is is exactly the kind of tool I was looking for, but still at an unstable early stage, and works only with Guile and Racket (while Vervis is written in Haskell). Cap'n Proto is mature and used in "production" systems, but its Haskell library (and I suspect the other implementations too) is much more low-level and doesn't provide a batteries-included way to conveniently write high-level distributed application code.

I decided to start an experiment: A Cap'n Proto based Fediverse demo, that would demonstrate - to me and to others - what it might look like, if Mastodon was implemented on top of Cap'n Proto or Spritely or similar, rather than ActivityPub. It's nicknamed the Capybara experiment. "Capybara" because it's about capability-based programming.

While working with NLNet on the funding plan (here's my kanban board, I decided to give a chance to the ActivityPub-based ForgeFed, and to dedicate my work in 2023 to stabilize ForgeFed as an ActivityPub-based forge federation protocol that covers the basic features that common forges provide - primarily code, issues and PRs - and prepare the tools around Vervis to use as a test suite for other implementations and as a reusable tool that people can study and built more with. With that in place, I would move on with the Capybara experiment and create an actor-programming based "ForgeFed 2" (or even give it a new name).

Objects, capabilities and actors

The biggest task on my plan for 2023, which I chose as the first task to do within my NLNet-funded plan, is a refactoring of the Vervis codebase, to be based on the same kind of actor-programming RPC system that Spritely and Cap'n Proto have.

It means the structure of the program isn't a set of handlers of HTTP REST web routes, but instead a set of actor method handlers.

Actors are objects that exist and live in parallel, and asynchronously send messages to each other. Each type of actor has its own set of methods, and handlers that implements its reaction to its methods being called by other actors. Within a method handler, the actor can do just 3 things:

  1. Modify/update its own state
  2. Launch a finite number of new actors
  3. Terminate

So, the program enables a network of actors, running in parallel and exchanging messages.

Instead of a big shared database, each actor has its own state, that it manages privately.

This system greatly simplifies writing concurrent code and data queries.

In a networked actor system, these actors can run on different machines, and communicate via a network. But this communication is completely transparent to the programmer: Calling a method of a local actor, and calling a method of a remote actors, look exactly the same. You just write the logic of your program, in terms of actors (think of these as a kind of microservices) exchanging methods (which are commands, requests and events), and the networking part is done for you by the actor system. This makes it very easy and convenient to effortlessly write decentralized, federated and distributed network/web applications!

These objects-actors are also sometimes called capabilities. This refers to capability-based programming and capability-based security: Instead of using things like ACLs, RBAC, passwords, and have-it-all ambient authority (e.g. programs having free access to the filesystem, network, hardware, etc.), your access to resources is based on what you have: If you have a reference to an actor that representes a certain resource, you can access the resource via the actor's methods. And if you want to give someone access to a resource, then instead of giving them a password or adding them to a ACL, you send them a reference to a relevant actor, so they can call its methods.

One of the principles in such systems is "designation is authorization". There's no separatation between a reference to a resource (e.g. a link to an online document) and the authority to access it (e.g. a secret password letting you edit the document). An object/actor/capability is both the resource and the authority to access it (possibly just to observe, possibly to also edit). The resource reference and the authoity are the same thing.

Material and representational capabilities

So, I'm facing a challenge:

I'd like to look deeper at the last item, "no real capabilities".

The kind of actor system I described above is behavior based. Data, databases, tables, formats, migrations, linked data etc. etc. aren't a first-class member in such a system. Obviously, actors would store their state on disk using some file format. Maybe in a SQL database, maybe in a Git repo, maybe in some binary-encoded file. But the behavior of the system doesn't depend on it, you don't access the data directly. The medium of interaction is actor methods calls.

The "pro" you gain in this model: There's a precise and convenient interface for defining actor behaviors. You define methods, their names and their parameters, and the types of these parateres. Concurrency and scaling are built-in, no fiddling with low-level data format details. Atomicity is also built-in: Actor method calls and all the calls they cause can form a single transaction, that either failes and rolls, or happens in complete success.

The "con" is that there's no built-in shared data layer. No protocol for efficient access to specialized kinds of data. If you need these things, you either build them on top, or use protocols external to the actor system.

The kind of capabilities is what I referred to as "real" capabilities. That's basically literally and materially, designation is authorization. You literally gain access to a resource by receiving a pointer to an actor (AKA object AKA capability). That pointer is literally how you invoke the actor's methods. Hence I (until I discover a better name) call these capabilities material capabilities.

In contrast, ActivityPub (and Bluesky perhaps even more) heavily leans towards a data based approach, rather than a behavior based one. Instead of methods with precise typed named parameters and return values, there are "activities", which confusingly double as both commands and events, and are extensible linked data documents, where even the standard properties are generic ones like "origin", "context", "instrument", "object" etc. whose meaning changes based on the type of object or activity.

The "pro" you gain in this approach is that notifications, inboxes and outboxes containing descriptions of all the activity of actors ar built-in. Linked data available to stream, mix, match, process, query and display. And the data is very extensible, easily extensible, both activities and other objects.

The "con" is that having precise clear APIs beyond trivial commands is difficult, and complex sequences of "method calls" are very cumbersome to implement. Instead of having the meaning of a command be clearly stated in it, the command arrives as a more general event description, and the exact meaning needs to be determined based on the parameters, types and context of previous activities.

In particular, a consequence of this approach is that when using capability-based security, you need to choose between:

  1. Modeling methods, parameters and return values on top of the JSON activity based layer, thus using a single "Invoke" activity for all method calls, instead of descriptive extensible linked data like "Create", "Follow", "Update", "Invite", etc.
  2. Using "fake" capabilities where the "pointer" allowing the method call is merely attached to the activity description, rather than being the actual way of calling the method, i.e. break the "designation is authorization" principle by separating resource IDs from the authority to access them

If the "real" capabilities from earlier are material, then these "fake" capabilities I call representational. Because they represent capabilities using a JSON-LD linked data vocabulary, but nothing is enforcing that these capabilities are actually used for authorization. They're like a key or password that's attached to a command, and the receiving actor is responsible for using it in the intended way. Such capabilities are imitating material capabilities.

When I started working on bringing capabilities to ForgeFed, this is a choice I faced: Do we create a whole new paradigm of modeling commands on the Fediverse, by describing method schemas using JSON-LD and using a single non-descriptive "Invoke" activity to call them? Or do we maintain the common use of activity descriptions doubling as both commands and events, but at the cost of representational, "fake" capabilities, and non-trivial event sequences being very cumbersome and inconvenient to implement?

It might seem surprising, that I went for the 2nd option. I did so because the 1st option, despite being quite appealing, would cause ForgeFed to diverge from "regular" ActivityPub to a degree that would almost defeat the point of using ActivityPub, connecting forges with the wider Fediverse. Forges would seem to be using some peculiar unusual protocol, that other Fediverse software wouldn't recognize.

The new architecture

In the last 2 months or so, I wrote an actor-system library in Haskell, for use in Vervis (and hopefully elsewhere too). Below are links to some core pieces of the code.

Module Control.Concurrent.Actor on Vervis, on Codeberg mirror

I hooked my ActivityPub code into it, to enable the networking between actors.

Module Web.Actor.Deliver on Vervis, on Codeberg mirror

I even started implementing per-actor storage to gradually replace the PostgreSQL database.

Module Database.Persist.Box on Vervis, on Codeberg mirror

And I started porting the Person actor to this new system.

Module Vervis.Actor.Person on Vervis, on Codeberg mirror

If you look at that Vervis.Actor.Person module, you might notice that the handlers for locally-sent events and the handlers for remotely-sent events are separate. Isn't that exactly what I was trying to avoid, aiming to have a single place to implement actor logic? Indeed, that's my intention. But with ActivityPub as the basis for ForgeFed, it's difficult: Local method calls can be precise requests, while remote calls are stuck using Activities as method calls. And each activity is an extensible linked data object that needs to be parsed, and its internal consistency verified. In addition, activity handlers in the old architecture were using the shared PostgreSQL database to query the context of previous activities. That's partially because activities aren't live objects with live references to other related actors. So I may need a new way to write safe validating method call handlers.

Ah, the ActivityPub activities double as commands and events, which makes it impossible to determine the meaning of the activity without looking carefully at the parameters and previous context, in a way that varies based on the types of actors and type of activity.

So, to be honest, I'm not sure yet how or whether the local and remote handlers can be converged into a single thing. Maybe it's not practical as long as I'm using ActivityPub. Despite that, this architecture still greatly simplifies the implementation of method handlers.

What's next

In the new architecture, the actor-system, there's still a lot to do:

And the actor system can be improved way beyond ActivityPub:

I'm actually considering to do the "Capybara experiment" using this actor system, instead of Cap'n Proto or Spritely! My funded task plan does include the experiment, but it's only a small part. Perhaps in 2024 when I'm done with the current tasks, I'll shift my focus to the capability-based system and maybe even a new phase of ForgeFed that will be based on it.

Anyway, landing back to reality, my next tasks in 2023 with ForgeFed and Vervis are about:


We have an account for ForgeFed on the Fediverse:

Right after publishing this post, I'll make a toot there to announce the post, and you can comment there :)